ODeX Integration is a data recognition between two or more applications via APIs, that allows systems to exchange data sources. This process assures the data layer of an organization to keep data in sync, enhance productivity, and eliminates errors. ODeX API will help you to parcel the data from multiple sources & accumulate it to operate in a single place, without manual intervention. In simpler terms, it works as a communication between two web tools or applications without considering the size of your enterprise & hence enables seamless operation and performance.
Eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need to manually enter information.
Reporting made easier and more customizable. Extraction of complex data requests made easier.
Reduces administrative and operations costs with single source real-time information.
Improves the accuracy, consistency,and security of all your data through built-in resources and firewalls.
It increases efficiency by navigating complex processes & preventing data re-entries.
Improved relation of your CRM activities with faster & more accurate access to information and history.
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